Rules and Regulations
These rules detail the access, use and conduct of the User Agency while conducting and participating in training and other activities while at CLETC.
Driver Training Course and Skid Pad — The Driver Training Course and Skid Pad is a state-of-the-art driving course designed to train both new and experienced officers. Designed by Colorado Law Enforcement EVOC instructors, it offers a comprehensive training environment. The track has been designed for and lends itself to the following types of training exercises: a highway response course, emergency vehicle operations, tactical vehicle intervention, vehicle ambush countermeasures and a concrete skid pad that provides students with basic emergency braking, skid control and collision avoidance.
Rules of Conduct
No training or access to the training element will be granted until the Facilities Use Agreement and the waiver, release and covenant not to sue are signed by both the User Agency and the individual user.
User Agency will identify their Lead Instructor who will be present during training and will confirm that this instructor is POST certified or otherwise suitably qualified.
The Lead Instructor must be on site at all times. The directions of the Lead Instructor are to be followed explicitly or the user will be required to quit using the element.
No one may enter the element unless accompanied or approved by the Lead Instructor.
Seatbelts will be worn by all drivers and passengers at all times while on the element, unless specifically stated to not be used for a legitimate training purpose.
Absolutely no reckless driving by any driver at any time.
In the event of an emergency or accident all drivers will stop immediately where they are and await instructions from the Lead Instructor.
No driving or parking on unpaved or unimproved areas unless specifically authorized.
Report all injuries to the Lead Instructor and a CLETC representative.
Report any and all property damage to the Lead Instructor and a CLETC representative.
The User Agency will ensure that the element is clean after each training session.
User Agency will be responsible for costs of repair and damage, beyond ordinary wear and tear of the facility.
The use of spray paint to mark cone patterns is prohibited. Only chalk can be used for this purpose.
Any CLETC representative has the authority to stop all activity at the element at any time and for any reason deemed necessary.
These rules detail the access, use and conduct of the User Agency while conducting and participating in training and other activities while at CLETC.
Simulated City Blocks – The Simulated City Blocks is a replication of a typical neighborhood found in any city or town across the USA. The site is intended to train both new and experienced officers and has been designed for and lends itself to the following types of training exercises: approaches and perimeter containment, methodical and dynamic entries and room clearings, Simunition and paint ball scenarios, crime scene processing, hostage negotiation scenarios, and a variety of other law enforcement training. The house on the east end is designated as House A, and is dedicated to heavy use and potential damage caused by SWAT or tactical type training. The house in the middle is designated House B, and is dedicated to scenario type training with paint ball or Simunitions with little to no damage anticipated. The house on the west end is designated as House C, and is dedicated to crime scene processing and scenarios that exclude paint balls or Simunitions with no damage anticipated.
Rules of Conduct
No training or access to the training element will be granted until the Facilities Use Agreement and the Waiver, Release and Covenant Not to Sue are signed by the User Agency and the individual user.
User Agency will identify their Lead Instructor who will be present during training and will confirm that this instructor is POST certified or otherwise suitably qualified.
The Lead Instructor must be on site at all times. The directions of the Lead Instructor are to be followed explicitly or the user will be required to quit using the element.
No one may enter the element unless accompanied or approved by the Lead Instructor.
No live fire exercises are allowed in the Simulated City Blocks. All live ammunition must be removed from anyone participating in training and all firearms must be cleared by inspection.
Instructors and students are required to wear the proper safety gear necessary for the type of training being conducted.
Absolutely no horse play or reckless conduct by anyone at any time.
In the event of an emergency or accident, all training will stop immediately and students will await instructions from the Lead Instructor.
Report all injuries to the Lead Instructor and a CLETC representative.
No driving or parking on unpaved or unimproved areas unless specifically authorized.
Report any and all property damage to the Lead Instructor and a CLETC representative.
The User Agency will ensure that the element is clean after each training session.
Any CLETC representative has the authority to stop all activity at the element at any time and for any reason deemed necessary.